인터넷 광고효과의 인과적 모델에 관한 연구
경희대학교 | 164 pages| 1999.06.01| 파일형태 :
조회 1490 다운로드 5
As the number of internet surfers and web advertising expenditure increases, research interest on the net is also increasing, especially on the internet advertising which will determine its growth. Still there are not many systematic or comprehensive causal studies on the web advertising effect. Acknowledging the needs for causal studies of the internet advertising, a comprehensive causal model based on the flow model determinants of Hoffman and Novak (1996) is proposed. During He literature review, the following research issues are raised: [Research Issue I]What are the causal relationship between the flow backgrounds variables (internet usage length, usage time, involvement and interactions) and the flow antecedent variables (skill, control, challenge, arousal, focused attention, and telepresence)? Are the flow antecedent variables (control, arousal, focused attention, and telepresence) causa31y related [Research Issue Ⅱ] Are the flow antecedent variables(control, arousal, focused attention, and telepresence) causally related to the flow experience? [Research Issue Ⅲ] What is the causal relationship between the flow experience and the flow consequence (future usage time, positive affect, exploratory behavior, and time distortion)?
광고효과 기술적(descriptive) 플로우(flow) 구성요소(construct) 인터넷 온라인 조사
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