신문정치광고가 지지도 변화에 미치는 영향
건국대학교 | 124 pages| 2008.07.25| 파일형태 :
조회 1922 다운로드 3
I studied whether the newspaper advertising of the candidates in the 4th local elections on May 31, 2006 had an influence on voters making choices for the heads of the 16 local governments. As a result of the study, 1 could see that candidates had an increase of public approval rating after they ran newspaper advertising. Regions such as Daegu, Incheon, North Jeolla province, South Gyeongsang province and North Gyeongsang province were exceptions here, as this study found no traces of impact of the newspaper advertising of the candidates in the public support. However, in other 11 regions. almost all candidates enjoyed the impact of their newspaper advertising. You have to rely on public polls to gauge the effect of the media effect including the effect of newspaper advertising. Also, it is extremely difficult to look into the effect of media alone by controlling several variables on the change of voter attitudes.
선거와 미디어 후보자 지지도 변화 지역별 신문광고의 영향 수도권·강원
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