국내 인터넷 서점의 고객 서비스 전략 분석
건국대학교 | 93 pages| 2008.07.25| 파일형태 :
조회 1886 다운로드 10
Information search through the Internet, and direct marketing to customers as well as document exchange and data collection through the Internet and customer publicity and customer management in firms has been made possible. and even delivery service over the Internet has been made possible. Like this, with the expansion of the use of the Internet, This has come to have an influence on the Korean publishing business world and the bookshop business world Service of the Internet bookshop towards customers at home since the latter half of the 1990s has followed. and even the specialized publishing companies including the large-scale publishing company have constructed and operated their homepage. And consumers have come to accumulate the knowledge and experience related to the Internet with the passage of time and be able to make a comparison with the service of other Internet bookshop through the Internet information network.
인터넷 서점 인터넷 서점의 마케팅 믹스 전략 알라딘의 고객 서비스 전략
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