연예 매니지먼트사의 홍보 전략에 관한 사례 연구
건국대학교 | 2007.06.01| 파일형태 :
조회 2330 다운로드 5
This study has analyzed the public relations cases of the singers who recently made their debut or are in full play and has researched the reality of public relations of Korean management agencies. Furthermore, the different points and problems of successful cases and failure cases have been analyzed based on 3 step strategy Plan which the Korean management agencies usually uses so that it can offer more effective basis data for album public relations. To accomplish the purpose of this study, the theory through the document study and the reality of the album PR has been researched, In addition, the practical manager ,who has selected and promoted 2 successful teams and 2 failure teams, singer J, male duo E, twin duo M, has been interviewed face-to-face and by phone and e-mail. The driven strategies for effective signer PR are as follows. 1) The success factor of singer No.1 : The creation of fresh image and it s management The images of singer J and K have to be promoted with planned images from the planning step to the broadcasting focus step and should be reinforced the PR keyword through the promotion and broadcasting and be focused.
연예 매니지먼트의 이론적 논의 홍보의 목적 매체를 활용한 홍보 실태
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