유명인 광고모델의 광고효과에 관한 실증연구
Among company`s several efforts to sustain competitor`s advantage in a sharping market`s competition, one of promotion`s factors, advertising has been considered deeply. For recent years, korean advertising industry has obtained a great growth in advertising held in the base of that reason. Definitely, communicating company`s message to consumer, advertising play a persuasive communication`s role to form attitude and cause action. So, communicating ad massage to give consumer through advertising efficiency and enhancing company`s performance eventually, various advertising studies has been introduced and practiced. One of the advertising strategies is to apply celebrity for advertising model. But disadvantages of celebrity endorser may happen because of overexposure, message processing interference, matchup failure, public skepticism, etc. The main reason advertising managers apply celebrity in many advertising is that they believe consumers may have a more interest in celebrity advertising than ordinary people advertising, more attention, more recollection for brand and may purchase the goods.
유명인 광고모델
광고모델의 매력성
일치가설(match-up hypothesis)
정교화가능성 모델(Elaboration Likelihood Model: ELM)