인터넷미디어의 등장에 따른 정치과정의 변화
건국대학교 | 75 pages| 2008.07.25| 파일형태 :
조회 1944 다운로드 4
This study looked into the media, the provider of political information, in order to understand the influence of Internet media on the political process. By doing so, this study pursued to look into how the Internet media are coping with the relations with the old media and how the Internet media seek the future directions. In order to make a content analysis of the media, this study took the perspective of the media`s social responsibility theory, urging the media to form a desirable public sphere in a modern society, and looked into the operations of each media. First, this study categorized the media into the old media including printed newspapers and TV broadcasts and the new media including the Internet newspapers. Then, this study made content analysis into the election reports focusing on the Seoul mayoral race during the 2006 local elections.
미디어 유형과 선거보도 2002년 대통령 선거 역대 지방선거 미디어와 정치과정
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