How Self-Disclosure Influences User-Generated Content (UGC) Marketing Communication
한국광고학회 | 한국광고학회 | 22 pages| 2021.10.06| 파일형태 :
조회 1979 다운로드 0
This research assesses the consequences of voluntary self-disclosure in social media settings functioning as a consumer’s personality trait by navigating user-generated content (UGC) perception ? drawn from source credibility and attractiveness ? and UGC behavior ? drawn from consumer online brand-related activities (COBRAs). The purpose of this study is to examine the extent to which self-disclosure favorably impacts perceived UGC trustworthiness and familiarity, and how this in turn influences subsequent brand attitude and purchase intention. Using 301 valid responses, a structural equation modeling (SEM) is employed. The results suggest that consumers with a high level of self-disclosure not only generate trust and familiarity toward UGC but also actively engage in UGC behavior. Perceived UGC trustworthiness and familiarity, in turn, result in positive brand attitudes and purchase intentions. Coincidently, the findings indicate that the more consumers create, consume, or contribute to UGC, the more they purchase the products and/or brands displayed in UGC.
1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Background
1) User-Generated Content
2) Self-Disclosure
3) UGC Perception
4) UGC Behavior: Creating, Consuming, and Contributing to UGC
5) Brand Attitude
6) Purchase Intention
3. Methodology
4. Results
5. Conclusions and Discussion

#한국광고학회 #Self-disclosure #User-generated content #Source trustworthiness
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